Re:Where is the Bono pic?

[email protected]
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:47:15 EDT


Due to some people (a minority) who do not understand the humor of a superstar
changing clothes in public and showing his butt, we decided to pull the
pictures from our website.

Some people have no sense of humor whatsoever!

I apologize to those who wanted to see it, blame the Puritanical minds here on

The U2 shopping Mall staff, myself included, have a sense of humour, we like
our site to be informative, funny, serious, and entertaining. We succeed.

We are gonna put up a warning telling the sticks in the mud that the site
contains humor and not to enter if they cannot laugh once in a while. My
advice to them is to quit taking the band (you do NOT need to defend them) and
life so seriously and loosen up!!!!!

For Prarit: ---> **The U2 Shopping Mall is a service of Zooropean Magazine and
an independent entity and not affiliated with Propaganda, PM, or Island
Records.** (But it is a great place for U2 fans!)

Chuck Anderson
Zooropean U2 magazine

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