YAWN YAWN and a joke

crawford family ([email protected])
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:07:14 +0800

This is getting so BORING and if you think like me,,just scroll past my
equally boring addition to the 'discussion' and read the joke at the end!!!!

I am one of those fans who b-sides are made for. I don't own every boot and
video ever made, I have no U2 on vinyl, I don't quite know what a midi file
is, let alone collect 'em, and I have only seen one concert live!! Living
in an isolated part of the world and having a 'life' mean that sometimes I
need or choose to to spend money on thing s other than 'trophies' in the
lets out do each other comp that seems to be prevalent on WIRE.
In fact shock horror, as important as U2's music has, and shall continue to
be to my life- I COULD probably survive without it if I had to- having a
healthy family life and happiness would actually take priority if it came to
the crunch.

I am looking forward to hearing the B-sides special edition, I am looking
forward to whatever greatest hits disc comes out, even if I have most of the
songs and I intend to buy each one as soon as I have the money.

If you own every boot ever made, every b side ever made well good for you-
save your money, try doing something different with it, I am sure that the
band won't collapse without your $30 and respect, infact theres a whole new
generation of fans out there who would probably love to hear the 'greatest
hits' !! (including my own 13 year old who is coming to realise that there
is 'something' about this stuff that mum and dad are into.

I have sent along a joke- no U2 content whatsoever, other than being Irish
humour, (yeah I know its not politically correct these days, sue me) but it
made me chuckle-.


>Two Irish men walk into a pet shop. Right away they go over to the
>exotic bird section. Gerry says to Pat "Dats dem". The clerk comes
>over and asks if he can help them.
>"Yea , we'll take four of dem dere birds in dat cage up dere"
>says Gerry, "Put dem in a peerper bag".
>The clerk does and the two guys leave the shop. They get into
>Gerry's van and drive for two hours until they are high up in the
>hills and stop at the face of a cliff with a 500 foot drop.
>"Dis look loike a good place, eh?" says Gerry.
>"Oh yea, dis look good" replies Pat.
>They flip a coin and Gerry wins the toss. "Hail fockin' Mary, I
>guess I get to go first, eh boy?" says Gerry. He then takes two
>birds out of the bag, places them on his shoulders and jumps off the
>cliff. Pat watches as his mate drops off the edge and goes straight
>down for a few seconds followed by a "SPLAT". As Pat looks over the
>cliff he shakes his head and says.
>"Fock dat, dis budgie jumping is too fockin dangerous for me !"

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