U2 radio on the net

Ana Lucia Vitti ([email protected])
Sun, 13 Sep 1998 19:18:23 -0300

Hi Wire:)

    I am forwarding this message for a friend, although Deseree has already
posted about it:)

    Everson Candido, who is the lead singer of a Brazilian cover band
called U2 Brasil has set up a U2 radio station on the net. There you can
find different live versions, remixes and even demos. The address:

LISTEN TO U2 RADIO: www.u2brasil.com.br/u2radio

Additonal addresses: Everson Candido - http://users.sti.com.br/u2cover
U2fEeDbAcK: www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/4773/
U2Brasil tribute band: www.u2brasil.com.br

Ana Vitti

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