Heidi Dutton (hlmd@mail1.nai.net)
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:37:44 -0400
I'd like to take this opportunity to give you a few stats, and say a few
thank-yous, and then I will list the final tally....
-Last year's group donation - $1074.68 (the number to beat!)
-This year's total group donation- $2178.66 - almost DOUBLE last year's
total!! This is a total to truly be proud of!! :-) I am very proud of
you, and you should be too! :-)
-Number of participants - 98, including auction item donors
-Amount raised through Auction - $709.21
-Number of Countries heard from- 13 (US, Canada, Sarajevo, Argentina,
Finland, The Netherlands, Croatia, Romania, Australia, United Arab
Emirates, Peru, Bulgaria, Northern Ireland)
I'd like to say thank-you to a few people -
- First, I could never thank Deseree Stukes enough, for all she did to help
me during this fundraiser! She donated and maintained the fundraiser web
page, and updated it without me having to ask her, and it was always
perfect! She seemed to read my mind, I never had to tell her what I
needed. Des, what a great help you've been!! :) Thank you sincerely!
- I want to thank Nico, who donated enough auction stuff to keep that
auction going for months! Thoughout the fundraiser, I had great things
from her every week for you guys to bid on! Thank you, Nico - your stuff
brought in a large amount of dough! (and now I know WHY you have so much
promo stuff! <LOL!!> I was wondering!!)
- I want to thank every person who donated auction items - I would love to
list your names, but I would never forgive myself if I omitted a name!
- Thank you to Todd for the auction HTML we used for the last week of
auction! I greatly appreciate your help!
- Last, but certainly not least, I have to say a big THANK YOU to everyone
who donated money and who bid on auction items (even if you might not have
won, you helped drive up the bids!! :) For everyone who participated in
any way, THANK YOU - you all had a hand in making this fundraiser our most
successful one yet!! Pat yourselves on the back! :-)
I hope I didn't forget anyone!
Before I list the final tally, these are the people who will be
representing us at the Amnesty International Media Spotlight Awards dinner:
Gary Aronsen
Nancy Todd
Maggie Huber
David Harth
Lyndon Nixon
Scott Jay
Matt Mastronunzio
Have a GREAT time, all of you! We'll be awaiting your full reports! :-)
And now....<drumroll, please, Lardence...> The FINAL PUBLIC TALLY!!
�Donna Souza - $25.00 �Josh Wimmer - $20.00 �Deseree Stukes - $10.00
�Kathryn Bower - $5.00 �Bonny Quigg - $25.00 �Kari Stoel - $12.00 �Bridget
Clifford- $75.00 �"Laura" - $18.00 �Kaisa Kantalainen - $9.00 �Nelleke
Rietvink - $24.00 �Robbie Robinson - $20.00 �Mindi Welton - $25.00 �Arlene
Palayo - $30.00 �Janice O'Hanlon - $25.00 �Angie Inboden - $15.00
�"Kalypso" - $20.00 �Chantal Latulippe Francisco - $20.00 �Achtung Gaucho
U2 Fans Club - $10.00 �Hannah Chismar - $10.00 �Anne Stumpe - $20.00
�cubsfan@merle - $26.00 �Garth Douglass - $12.00 �Iitmari Jurvanen - $7.00
�Angela Pancella - $50.00 �Maggie Huber - $20.00 �KarenB - $13.50Auction
�Phil Romans - $30.00 �Elizabeth Beech - $10.00 �Leslie Ordal - $1000
�Amber Ahmad - $31.00Auction �Komel Mahli - $5.00 �Amenjiva - $10.00 �Reno
Van Dael - $6.00US �Daniel Morales - $26.00Auction �Marieanne - $10.00
�Sanjay Gandhi - $25.50Auction �Chrissy Hyde - $10.00 �Emily Pimentel -
$40.00 �Ian Brown - $26.45 �Chris Nilsen - $13.00Auction �Becky Waldrogel -
$10.00 �KarenB - $26.95Auction �Deseree Stukes - $32.00Auction �Sybil Lucas
- $16.50Auction �Deborah Roberts - $25.00 �Bonavox- $5.00 �Hana Wills -
$10.50Auction �Katrina Daniels - $10.00 �Bonnyvox- $15.00 �Harneel Mahli -
$10.00 �Michelle Perez- $50.00 �Krishan Paul - $10.50Auction �Caroline Wen
- $12.51Auction �Phillip Stager - $15.50Auction �Chantal Latulippe
Francisco - $60.00Auction �Tom Schlagel - $25.00 �Sara Zettervall -
$10.00Auction �Ben Spidahl - $15.00 �Debbie Picard - $20.00 �Satu - $18.00
�Angela Hoffman - $10.00 �Laura Turner -$32.50Auction �Angi Lucento -
$10.00 �Marie Castro - $10.00Auction �Luis Montoya - $10.00 �Leslie Wiggins
- $5.00 �Cecelia Jay - $3.00 �Mary Jo McCauley - $7.00 �Heidi Dutton -
$27.00Auction �Cindy Han - $10.00 �Anca Radovici - $11.00 �Suspicious Man -
$20.00 �KarenB - $66.75Auction �Ray Lazarine - $8.00Auction �Dan Anderson -
$20.00 �Henry Wagner - $25.00 �Big Daddy Cool - $25.00 �Lila - $5.00 �WIRE
T. Banner (ex-banner fund) - $200.00 �Kristen - $50.00 �Brendan Patterson -
$5.00 �Yohan - $10.00 �Lee Barnes - $10.00 �Kristal Barnes - $10.00
�Francesca Diehl - $35.00 �Kevin Selders - $25.00 �Nancy Nicosia - $10.00
�Zachary Gillman - $255.00Auction �Scott Jay - $10.00 �Matt Mastronunzio -
$10.00 �Cathy Gorga - $10.00 �Lisa Graham - $6.50Auction �Lyndon Nixon -
GRAND TOTAL:� $2178.66US
I'll tell you when I mail the check, which will be sometime this week, and
then we will all wait for the confirmation post from Jeff Zick at AI. He
will note the date, check number and $$ total of our donation in his
confirmation post!
Questions? ASK!! :)
The 3rd Annual U2 Mailing List Amnesty International Fundraiser was
happening, and YOU MISSED IT! :-) It was open to any U2 fan with an email
address! Click here to see how it went! -
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