[email protected]
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 07:57:00 EDT
Someone has probably already written to correct this, but being of terribly
short attention span I can't be sure. A query on the list a couple days ago
asked about an upcoming U2 Pop-Up video that appeared to be called "What Have
You Done..." However, if you stare really hard at it for a while, you'll
notice that the alignment is a bit off, 'cos --- shudder --- it also makes it
look like "Spice Up Your Life" is credited to Marcy Playground. If my blurred
vision and dancing pixels serve me correctly, I think they actually meant that
they were digging for information on "Stay (Faraway, So Close)". The URL for
other (non-U2) videos they're asking for information on is
Meanwhile, I'll be off salivating hopefully about "Stay". Toodles fer now.
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