Daily tally/ Room for one more for the AI Awards dinner!

Heidi Dutton ([email protected])
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 19:54:39 -0400

 Received today -

Lyndon Nixon - $30.00 (thank you, dear!!)


I have seven people RSVP'd for the AI Media Spotlight Awards dinner. I do
have room for *one* more! If you can get to NYC on the evening of 9/28, and
want to hang with 7 other U2 fans and assorted big shots and celebs, or if
you want more info, email me!!

 I'd like to send as many as we are allowed!

    Fundraiser wrap-up coming soon - I am expecting only one more donation!



 The 3rd Annual U2 Mailing List Amnesty International Fundraiser was
happening, and YOU MISSED IT! :-) It was open to any U2 fan with an email
address! Click here to see how it went! -

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