Re: Greatist Hits: The Big Picture

J ([email protected])
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 04:16:24 -0700 (PDT)

I agree with the things Mr. Okorn has been saying. Music is a
business and 50 million for doing nothing is something difficult to
pass. Besides the "worst" it could do is win U2 more new fans and
renew the interest of alienated older fans.

However, I strongly disagree with Rob's clamor for an "alternate
version" album with different studio versions of songs from earlier
takes. I think that shoudl be something that should be reserved for
release after they die or disband (that's if we're still alive by
then). That way, U2 legend will only be more immortalized. Look at
the Beatles, every so often, there always seems to be a new "outtake"
or "previously unreleased" outtake that stirs interest every now and


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