There are people out there in need of Greatest Hits!

ANCA ([email protected])
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 20:59:36 +0300

Hi, folks!

Through all these pros and cons regarding GH, I agree most with whoever
said 'Let's first see it and then talk about it'. Nevertheless, I have
several points to bring to your attention:

1. There are some quite new, budding markets around the world where singles
aren't marketed and CDs are still expensive; the only affordable items are
tapes. Places like Eastern Europe, South America (I guess), Eastern Asia.
There are many U2 fans there, I can assure you, but it's more by borrowing
tapes at best and buying the infamous pirate-copy CDs at worst. Well, I've
just talked today to a guy who's selling original tapes and pirate CDs and
told him about this GH rumour and he said 'Bring 'em on, people ask for
it!' So what's wrong with more people who appreciate their music but can't
afford to buy everything they ever released? Nothing, as long as the
message gets heard.

2. There's this interview from March 1st '97, on RTE, the Irish Radio-TV,
just before releasing 'Pop', where Edge talks about starting 25 to 30 songs
and getting lost on the way. And guess what? Just 2 or 3 of them emerged on
the b-sides. I've checked the list. Where is everything else? Probably in
the vaults, food for next albums - no, the future hasn't dried up. I know
the point has been made before, but I added the reference to the interview
(which, btw, I have on tape - radio quality).0

Incidentally, I was shocked to find out that 'Wake Up, Dead Man' is way
back from '91, as it's part of 'Salome'! AND, although I consider myself a
hardcore fan, I never had a chance to listen to all the b-sides that are
praised here, on the Wire.

Hoping never to read the word 'flame' again (I find it creepy!),
Far away, so close!

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