Vegas and Edmonton Soundboard

J ([email protected])
Fri, 4 Sep 1998 03:58:27 -0700 (PDT)

It's been quite a ruprise to me not to see anyone
"capitalizing" on the VEgas and Edmonton proshots by offering bootlegs
of them. Instead, we have seen the San Paulo and Johannesburg boots
that don't really measure up to par.

I just hope someone with the high-end equipment and a 1st-gen, hi-fi,
stereo proshot video of Vegas and Edmonton can produce it in a CD/CDR
audio bootleg. I have a 4th-5th gen Vegas video and from listening to
it, I am convinced that the low gen version of the video I have will
easily blow away the "audience" recording Pops and Chops.

Actually, if it has a defeciency, it is because it sounds too
"studio-like" with little crowd noise. But then again, wouldn't that
be a good defieciency?


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