Some interesting info and a bit of a U2 want? (Update)

Adrian Aaron (
Wed, 02 Sep 1998 17:14:55 -0700

Hello Wireland, how the heck are you!!!!! I have some interesting tid
bits and one request.
1. If you watch the movie Until the End of the World and wait for the
credits, the song that plays is U2's "Until the End of the World."
Well, if your TV has closed captioning, put it on and you will see that
before Bono sings, "in my dreams I was drowning....." instead of seeing
and hearing, "love, love, love, love, love, ......." you hear and see,
"our love, our love, our love is turning." This is not on the lyric

2. Recently I was paying for some classes at my university, and I saw a
young lady in line with a Hard Rock cafer shirt from Berlin. Instead of
the usual Hard Rock symbol, there was a sunflower instead. I thought
this was cool, since Achtung Baby was mostly made in Berlin and in the
first video for "One" you see...........sunflowers.

3. Now for my U2 want, does anyone have any of the U2 cd singles. I
need some to complete my singles collection. They don't have to be
mint, as long as they are not too badly scratched, they be listenable,
and the labels/covers are not too damaged. I am looking for the
originals,not cdr's. I need the Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing,
and all singles from Unforgettable Fire and back.

Update: If you would like to trade, I have 5 U2 Popmart concert vids and
2 Zoo Tv vids.

Please contact me and thanks and God Bless.---------Adrian

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