Re: Re: I don't care if I get flamed for this...

J ([email protected])
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:01:41 -0700 (PDT)

Robbie wrote:

>Don't you mean U2's popularity with the *media* is down.
>The media in general tried to ignore or even put down U2,
>especially in the United States.

Yup, you are right on there Rob. I think what makes U2 "past their
popularity prime" is only relative to what the media portrays.
However, the media play a big role in informing or misinforming the
people, and they have done the latter to America concering U2. It is
sad. But I don't give a damn. No one gives a damn if U2 is popular of
not to the new spice gilrs/hanson generation. Even if U2 only had
one fan left in this world, as long as that fan is me, I'd still be


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