Of Peace and War (loose U2 content)

SILVINA ([email protected])
Mon, 24 Aug 98 20:49:16 PDT

Some comments here in Wire really made me think. Before some of you start
complaining about the lack of U2 content, let me warn you: I have no news
about them...so all I can do right now is discuss about things related to
them...Some may think the very definition of what is U2 related is quite
subjective...well...that's true.
Anyway, Nikki wrote:

>I didn't mean to come across as a total peace maker, love maker (even
>though, maybe I *sorta* am. So sue me!). I only wanted to point out
>how U2's songs on War really have got me thinkin'. It makes me wonder
>if us retaliating with a bombing will really make things *better*. Will
>the terrorists back off and go, "Whoa! We ain't messin' with you
>Americans anymore. We'll stop. We're sorry." Or will it just give
>them a reason to get us..... again? I don't know. I know nothing about
>war; what's the "right" and "wrong" thing to do.

Well, I don't know either. But one thing I'm sure of. We though that we had
the answers...it was the questions we had wrong...What I really believe is
that whether it is in the US, Sudan, Ireland, Israel, Argentina...to
surrender to the temptation of violence gives us the illusion that we are
doing something...when in fact it all we do is add up to the pain and
INJUSTICE of the whole situation. Two wrongs won't make it right, you know.
And, as someone said:

>We don't have all of the facts about this attack yet but if we really
>believe that rock and roll can change the world we have to oppose
>violence.......even when president Clinton uses violence. His violence is
>no different than the violence that Reagan used in the eighties
Or, for that fact, the violence used by the same terrorists he is claiming
to chase. I wonder how many terrorist he really got with this attack. Or was
this just an attempt to give America a false sense of protection?.

And Paul wrote:

>Bono knows that neither money nor violence, drugs nor
>rock 'n roll are worth trusting. Love is the answer. Love, faith, and
>hope, but the greatest of these is Love. And I, too, believe in love.
>Do you?

Yes, Paul, I do. And although many people may think I am chicken shit for
this, I still believe peace is the only way to end violence. Besides, it
really takes more guts to resist to the call of revenge than to surrender to it.

Hey, and those telling Nikki she has to wake up to reality...well...I'M WIDE
AWAKE...I'M NOT SLEEPING...I grew up in a country during a military
dictatorship, learning not to get near any parcel on the streets for fear it
may be a bomb...and learning not to get very near a policeman, for fear he
would take you away...believe me, I know what I'm taking about. Still I
don't believe in violence.

A new heart is what WE need...Oh God, make it bleed...
Rosario, Argentina

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