Re: U2 1999 Calendars...Part Deux

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 21:44:44 -0700

Jennifer Werts wrote:
> The other day I posted asking if anyone knew if there was going to be a
> 1999 calendar, and where to get it...Well, I found a website that may
> have something. It says it's from "Oliver Books" and it's "coming
> soon". I don't know whether it's official or not. Well, for those who
> are interested, here's where you can find it:
> They've also got some older U2 calendars. Just thought I'd let everyone
> know.

Warning Jen and Wire!

Oliver Books does not put out the "official" U2 calendars.
They put out a crappy 3rd rate one of blurry enlargments of
old photos from previous tours. 1998's was mostly JT and AB
era. Maybe 1999's will have some Pop photos in it, but don't
expect much. Fans only buy the Oliver Books calendar when they
give up on finding an "official" calender.


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