Apology to America (no it's not Bill Clinton....)

Aoife Heaney ([email protected])
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:41:03 PDT

Oh crap....

There I go again shooting me big irish mouth off, committing the
worst crime possible. I slandered Americans on a predominatly
American mailing list. So, before I'm flamed even more...

Aoife "big mouth" Heaney said:

>As for Americans understanding the Irish.....I doubt it. Americans >see
what they want to see, the brave "reveloutionaries" fighting for >the
freedom of Ireland..complete bollocks. What we have are bloody
>murderers killing our own people for a cause that they can never
>achieve, in other words.... a waste. It's all bullshit, and >americans
should understand that most of all.

Now, after reading this a few times again from the perspective of an
American....it doesn't sound good does it? What I actually meant was
those few Irish-americans who can sit back in the comfort your country
(you know, wealth, booming economy, biggest contributor to the
destruction of the O-zone layer in the world....) and yet they fund and
supply weapons to groups (which they see as "brave reveloutionaries"
IMO) like the IRA who then procede to destroy the very country they are
trying to set free...
And as for the bullshit comment, "I still think it was relevant" ;)

What I'm trying to say is that I didn't express what I meant clearly and
I apologise to anyone who took offence to it. It was my fault and next
time I'll stick to lurking.

Sorry folks,

Aoife <-- U2 content below

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