Re: Bootlegs, Morality and Legality

Michael Walker ([email protected])
Thu, 6 Aug 1998 16:32:39 -0600

Dr. John wrote:

> Additionally, I'm not sure if *every* picture that is taken of U2
> that is placed on a web site violates copyright law. For
> example, I have a picture of the Edge and myself on my
> website. I think saying that I am breaking a copyright simply
> by having the Edge's image (and his image is NOT copyrighted)
> on my web site would be hard to prove.


>But if it is my
>own photo, then I think the situation is different. I believe
>that any personal photos, even if they contain the band members, are
>not copyrighted.

As far as I know, this is totally correct. In all actuality, the person
that took the photograph is the copyright-holder and can claim so. It's as
simple as that. As an example, I have a *few* (more to come) pictures from
the Seattle show--and the copyright on these photos is mine. And there's a
reason a notice appears on the page along with the images. I'm sure Otto
can agree on this since he's into this part of collecting...

Michael Walker ([email protected])

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