SILVINA ([email protected])
Tue, 4 Aug 98 18:46:45 PDT
On another note, have you ever felt look down upon by other people your age
(or maybe a little bit older) for being sort of a "groupy". Apparently
people around me tend to think that loving a band and maturity (i.e
responsible adulthood) are opposites. They looked at me (even say to me)
."U2? Hey, I though you've already grown out of it"...If you are a ballet
fan, or an Opera fan it's OK, but if you're a rock'n roll fan...oh, well,
that's another story...
See you around,
Silvina ---->bitchin' about life today
"You'll never know what it feels to be so close and be denied..."
Bono. Golden Eye theme
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