Fascinating FANatics on MTV so much like Wirelings....
Shary T. ([email protected])
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:01:54 -0700
Okay, I know you're watchin' it and I know you're thinkin' it, but no
one's sayin' it, so I will...
I was fascinated by the FANatics contest winners on MTV, specifically
the one who got to meet Lenny Kravitz and Steven Tyler, because their
regard for their favorite musicians is very similar to the regard
WIRELINGS have towards U2.
They connected with and were deeply moved by the music and lyrics of
their favorite musicians, Lenny K and Aerosmith. They told their idols
stories of when the music by these musicians was a significant guiding
force through hard times. These fans even referred to Lenny K or Steven
tyler respectively as "spiritual leaders".
Now, I never doubted that fans of other bands related deeply with
their favorite musicians, but they were almost mirror images of how
WIRELINGS would feel and react towards U2.
You got to admit... many of us have had thoughts of feeling above
other fans of other bands because of our strong connection and almost
spiritual devotion to U2. Well, for me anyway, seeing these other fans
relate so similarly to the music of other musicians makes me more
curious about what these other guys have to offer. It makes me feel like
I missed something in their music.
Ofcourse, we will always interpret songs differently from the next
person, but I'm just so curious now about the deeper depths of the songs
written by Lenny K or Steven T
that touched these guys so much.
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