
[email protected]
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 20:21:06 EDT

You know, I wouldn't have wanted to throw my drink for his u2 comment alone,
but because of what apears to be his VERY snobbish view of music in general.
I simply CAN"T stand when people hate music because its popular, musical
snobbery is probably my number 1 pet-peave. I have alot of friends that
subscibe to this music view and it bugs me to death. Truth be told I like a
alot of groups that are very uncool to like...and it seems to me like alot of
people try to use their music taste to establish themselves as COOL.. I am
sorry, but people who do this are just as trendy as the suppossed
"teenyboppers" they are against! I like music because it hits me in the
heart, it makes me want to move my hips, and gives me a new view on the
world...that's why i love u2 so much.

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