Green light, SEVEN ELEVEN!

Nikki !!! ([email protected])
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 23:17:35 PDT

OK, so on July 11 (my birthday), at midnight (where the day begins), I
was on my way to the 7-11 liquor store to buy my first Lotto ticket as
an 18 year old. THEN, on the way, my CD player was on shuffle, and it
played STAY (Faraway, So Close!).

Coincedence? I THINK NOT!

On 7/11, drivin' to the 7-11, and I hear Bono's heavenly voice sing,
"7-11..." I was SURE it was a sign I would win the HUGE Lottery that

Well... I didn't end up winning. Oh well. But still, that whole 7-11
thing is pretty damn cool, huh? I THINK SO!

Nikki =)

Your love was a light bulb hangin' over my bed!
       BABY, BABY, BABY! Light my way!

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