Carissa Goisnard ([email protected])
Mon, 06 Jul 1998 08:07:34 +0900

 "You decide to count how many times a day people that come in contact with
you say 'you too" (ya' know U2). About four hours into your day you are
giggling about it because you've lost track and now you can't get it out of
your head. : )"
-- Know what? I do that all the time! I work in a bakery and I consider
myself to be more or less a friendly person so when the customer is leaving
it's always "Have a nice day!" "Don't work too hard" "Be Young, Have Fun,
Drink Pepsi!" (ok well that one rarely gets used but you get the idea) I
guess for the most part my customers consider themselves nice people too
because about 80 % of them say "U2" It thrills me to no end ! That's what
my roomate would call " Theater for the Easily Amused "

"Recently they have been playing 5-6 U2 songs per day instead of the usual
3. Yipee!!!"
-- Wow I'm jealous. I usually only hear 1-2 songs per day on our classic
rock station. There was the one day though... it was double play Tuesday so
they played two in the morning , two just after lunch and then U2 was the
Five Thirty Three-for -All
Seven songs on one station in one day; no flipping stations and that's only
the time I was at work ( 9 hours less breaks )! These guys really rock!
They do have a website if anyone in the Edmonton area's interested it's
www.thebearrocks.com check it out.

"I want to know what is your favorite lyrical line?"
--that, like all my favorites, is subject to change without notice
This is today's choice though, from ' The End of the World'
"In my dream I was drowning my sorrows
  But my sorrows they learned to swim..."

"I'm Kevin Nealon and You're Not! "
Carissa Marie

The Lady With the Spinning Head

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