sjaak vanderValk ([email protected])
Mon, 06 Jul 1998 14:43:06 CEST
The following bootleg cds are for sale
* Autummn Fire (London 14/11/84 & Melbourne 17/09/84)
* Rotterdam Lovetown (Rotterdam 06/01/90, 2cd)
* Angel of Rotterdam (Rotterdam 09/01/90, 2cd)
* Wake up London Poptarts (London 23/08/97, 2cd)
* The Supreme Court Concert (Dublin 30/08/97 2cd)
* Not coming down (Edinburgh 02/09/97, 2cd)
* Meximofo (Mexico city 03/12/97, 2cd soundboard)
* Sleepless in Seattle (Seattle 12/12/97, 2cd)
* U2 Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo 31/01/98, 2cd soundboard)
* Future in your hands (Capetown 16/03/98, 2cd)
* Last night of Popmart (Johannesburg 21/03/98, 2cd soundboard)
All Boots do have a very good soundquality !!!!!!
If you're interested and have any questions, feel free to ask
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