Sat, 4 Jul 1998 23:30:01 -0400
Just to let you know that "Father Ted", you remember the show that was one
of Bono's favorites, is on the CBC in Canada on Monday nights at 8:30
Eastern time.
It's a very funny satirical comedy. I first saw it about 2 years ago on TVO
here in Canada and got hooked on it. I was so surprised to find out a few
months ago that there was a U2 connection to it! =o) It is just so sad
that Dermot Morgan (the actor that plays Father Ted) passed away this
winter, he was a great talent and will be missed. I also read somewhere
that he was a good friend of Larry's. So, if you can get the CBC and are
interested, check it out. Take care.....
Peace & Love,
-- Most frequently used word? (from Pop Picks, Prop. 27)
"There are 4....Drink, Arse, Feck and Girls" ~ Bono
(These are also Father Jack's 4 most frequently used words, from "Father
Ted" :o)
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