Who Needs Bathrooms? ([email protected])
Sat, 04 Jul 1998 16:27:10 -0600
Hahaha....But I think the real question should be
a) What does Michael Jordan sing? ;)
b) If Micheal Jordan met U2, would he know who they were?
Taken from U2NEWS-History:
March 31 1992 U2 perform in Chicago, Illinois. U2 attend a Chicago Bears
football game during the afternoon before their concert that evening. The
person escorting U2 around for the afternoon knows famed basketball star
Michael Jordan, and knows which skybox he sits in while watching the games.
When asked if they want to meet Jordan, the band excitedly accepts the offer.
They proceed to Jordan's skybox and are introduced to him. After about
5-10 minutes of talking U2 has to get going and they depart from the stadium to
prepare for the concert. Immediately after U2 leaves, Jordan asks "Now
who were those guys again?"
-- Prarit....[email protected] U2 news: http://www.cableregina.com/users/u2news/u2.html
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