Various things...

Cathy I ([email protected])
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 01:50:34 EDT

Hello y'all,

I'm really bored so don't take anything I post too seriously. :)

First: I don't give a flying feck about Danny Best!!! (sorry Danny) If
you have a complaint/compliment about him post a SHORT message not a
freakin' 300 word essay! I'm sick and tired of skipping over posts about
him!!! ARGH!!!!! Okay, done my bitch about that.

Second: YES, I am too obsessed with U2 and I'm damn proud to admit it!
YEAH! :b U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2

Third: Much Music played IGWSHA???? WHAT???? It's a bloody miracle!! Too
bad I missed it. :( I still haven't seen it!

Fourth: Is there anyone that would be willing to make me a copy of the
Passengers cd? I can't find it anywhere and I REALLY want it!!! I'm
willing to trade.

Fifth: I saw the movie Captive a LONG time ago and all I can say is I
think it was good. :)

Sixth: Am I the only one who finds "Mr. The Edge" funny? Maybe I'm just
tired. Yeah, that's it.

Seventh: Near the end of Another Time Another Place, does Bono sing in a
different language? I can't make it out. If anyone knows what he's
saying please e-mail me.

Eighth: In The Ocean, are there bubble sounds in the background or am I
going nuts? I've never noticed it before. I mean I know it's called The
Ocean so bubbles would be logical (I guess) so I was just wondering.
Also is it just me or does Something In the Way by Nirvana sound very
similar to the beginning of The Ocean?

Ninth: Does anyone else like the song A Day Without Me? I just
"discovered" this song and I think it's hilarious, but in a good way.

Eleventh: Just making sure you're paying attention!!!!

Tenth: Told ya I was bored!!!

Well that's it. Have a nice day!

U2 4-ever,
Cathy :)

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